Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

男装 - dansou

Hello sweeties~ (。・ω・)ノ゙

Today I'm back with something different.
For a certain time now I wanted to get out my boy-ish side again.. and because I had some time today I finally managed to dress up and take some pics.

I'd been into dansou (females dressing up in all kinds of male Japanese fashion) for a really long time but let it slip because of my love for Gyaru.
Buut I really want to wear it again some more and today was the start..! (*´▽`*)

As much as I despise being "cute" in my girl-styles I like to dress a "cute" way as a boy.. also because I'm not thaat masculine, ahaha.

I also took some pics with Aiji's brown short wig..
But I like blonde (or black) more! 

Well, what do you say? (?´・ω・`)


7 Kommentare:

  1. Oh my God. ♥
    I love it. This is kinda exactly what I want to be able to pull off some day in the future... ;//;
    You inspire me, just so you know.. heh!

  2. Aaww die Bilder sidn toll^^ Ich hab auch wieder Lust dansou zu machen, das war so cool neulich in der uni, macht richtig spaß XD ABer ich glaub ich trau mich, das draußen zu tragen :/
    Aber wirklich toll Bilder *v*

  3. I love your blond dansou! #*_*#

    I'm curious how I would look as a guy but don't think I could pull it off. XD (Based on my body type firstly and my personality second haha.)

  4. Every single Hair-colour suits you ! (@^▽^@)
    I´m jealous! haha
