Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

Ora-Jacket & some pics~

Hey gals!

Here's a post about little, nearly unimportant things which happend recently, haha..
The summer semester at university is nearly over now, and in a month there will be my Japanese exams.
Oh my, I'm so damn afraid...! D:

But well, on sunday we went to my mum and to my dad, having lunch and dinner there!
It was really, really nice. :3
I decided to dress up a bit, for it being a nice family sunday:

Make up only with top lashes and without lenses~ 

Sometimes I don't look like myself. lol 

Outfit (and I cut my half naked girlfriend out xDD) 

A great hairstyle for hot weather! 

Now that it's July, I also orderd to new things.
The jacket/one-piece by Julia Boutique I got at an ebay auction arrived today!! ♥
It's a gold/black jacket like every Ora Ora girl should own, gyaah, it's free size and fits perfectly!
I fell in love with it immediately! **
(Unfortunately it's too hot now to wear it for real.)

(Ignore my hips and legs. lol)

You can pull the zipper all the way up! xD

The gold is glittering so much, but you can't see it on photos. >w< 

(I know my legs aren't that thin but I don't give a fuck. ^^) 

The back print is so cool ♥
And it's not Engrish! xD 

Sutekina hairstyle for a hot hot summer day! °^° 

Today I wore my maxi dress from H & M to university, for the first time!
It's really comfy and I didn't sweat that much in this heat with it~ 

(Girlfriend cut out again. xD) 
Sorry for low quality. 

And in the end here are some happy piggies for you: 


6 Kommentare:

  1. Ohhh das Kleid gefällt mir! Sehr hübsch, würde ich auch glatt tragen, aber ich bin so klein und sehe mit langen Röcken/Kleidern irgendwie immer total unproportional aus :(

  2. Richtig schöne Fotos, obwohl du auf dem zweiten echt dir selbst fremd aussiehst... x)
    Ich mag die Jacke/das Kleid total & kann super verstehen, dass du sie/es liebst.
    (Gott... Ich muss mich echt konzentrieren, nicht Englisch zu schreiben.. xDD)

    Das Maxi-Dress ist total schön... Aber ich hab die gleichen Sorgen wie Varis... Ich seh in langen Kleidern noch kleiner aus, als ich eh schon bin... :b

    Viel, viel, VIEL Erfolg bei deiner Prüfung! *^*

  3. oooooh das Maxidress ist so hübsch, hab ich ja schon gesehen gestern^^ Voll hübsch*-*

  4. Oh my gooossshhhh, I LOVE that jacket, it's gorgeous! Do you have a link to the ebay store you bought it from? I'd quite like to have a look at their other items ^_^.

    1. Aaaah sorry it was a private auction by a girl from finland! >_<;

      But Julia Boutique is a rakuten shop:
