Montag, 25. Juni 2012

Kabuki Rock Style & Circle Meet-up

Hey gals!
So now the most awesome weekend this month is over, sadly... O:
On saturday we had our first circle meet up with Aiji's gyaru-san "Brilliant Gals".
At first I wasn't that enthusiastic to have all this circle stuff again.. but I'm quite content so far, they are all very nice girls. ♥
After the meet up we went with one half of the circle to the Kabuki Rock Style party in Wuppertal at the Pavillon.

Gonna start with some outfit and make up pics!

Rock-ish outfit! :3~ 

Make up with my new Diamond lashes! *O* 

...they arrived on time saturday morning. ♥ ** 

Firstly we went for some bubble tea after we met in Düsseldorf at the mainstation and waited for Riina, who had to work until 4 PM..
Aiji, Shinpei and me shared a drink. xDD; We are one unit after all. lol 
We discussed our new blog/HP and stuff.
Also had such great conversations, they are all so funny! x3 

Before we went to the "Schadow Arkaden" we took some group pics! 

Laura, AijiArina, me, JessicaRiina and Pei

Only two... XD And with autotimer. lol 

At the arcades we also took some photos..
Some of us got something to eat and Riina decided she would join us for partying, yey! 

Food and Jessica with her iPad. xD

Me looking sad. lol 

Awesome girls. ♥

Hey, a quite nice pic!


Ridicously photogenic Riina. 

Made and edited by Jessica! 

Around 8 PM the four of us left - not without some great toilet-pics. xDD
And then we went to the main station for food, alcohol and the S-Bahn to Wuppertal! 


At the main station we met my awesome uni-pal Angie but lost her soon again. xD;
So we started to empty our alcohol! Yeeey~ 
It was soo funny already on the way and the party was also quite nice this time. :3 
Can't wait for the Visual Culture in Münster in August!

My sweetheart and me. ♥ :3~ 

Awesome group-pic a la Ari Zilla! xD; 

A very drunk toilet pic at the Pavillon.. |D; 

Well, that's it for now.
Can't wait for the next meet up and the next paaarty!
Soon my semester is over - but the exams are coming closer, aaah! x__x 

13 Kommentare:

  1. whaa das sieht nach spaß aus *-* wie toll^^
    ich will auch wieder freunde treffen und einfach nur rumhängen aber so wenig zeit ;0;

    1. Dann nimm dir mal wieder Zeit für sowas, das muss einfach sein! ;3

  2. ich habe etwas geschaffen muhahaha xD

  3. Tolles Outfit und ich liebe dein MakeUp. QQ"
    Klingt nach ziemlich viel Spaß.
    Hoffentlich war es nicht das letzte Super-Wochenende (;

    (omg. ein deutsches Kommentar xD)

    1. Uuuh o.o Deutsch. xD
      Dankeee <3
      Und du musst auch mal bei einem dabei sein ;3

  4. weil ihr alle so klein aussaht auf dem foto XD deswegen hats mich gewundert XD dachte schon jetzt kommt 159 oder so XD

    1. Gott nein. XDD;
      Aiji (zweite von Links) ist mit ihren Schuhen da nur locker 1,85m groß. LOL
      Und ich hatte flache Schuhe an, der Rest bis auf Jessica rechts von mir alles hohe Schuhe bis High Heels. ;'DD
      (Und die perspektive macht's, weil die Kamera viiiel höher stand.)

  5. You look totally awesome! *o*
    Love you make-up, hair, outfit, everything <3

  6. freut mich, dass ihr viel spaß hattet *_*
    ihr seht alle toll aus<3

  7. Really looks like you all would be around 1,6~m. lol

    I like your jacket :3 Don't know really why but I think it goes pretty well with your hair!
